

As implant technicians with thousands of successful cases, we know placing and restoring implants requires attention to detail and the ability to coordinate treatment between a laboratory, general practitioner and specialist.

Custom Abutments

The days of off-the-rack implant solutions are long gone. With the advances in CAD/CAM technology, completely customized abutments are within budget of every implant case. Our implant experts are experienced in advanced case planning a coordinating treatment with specialists and general practitioners for a patient-specific solution for every case.

Screw-Retained Crown

Eliminate the risk of excess subgingival cementation when restoring implants when you choose screw-retained crowns from One Perma-Dent Studio. By eliminating a traditional abutment, restoring implants with screw-retained crowns are fully retrievable and simple to seat. Compatible with most major implant platforms on a variety of indications, contact us to determine if screw-retained crowns are right for your case.

One Perma-Dent Studio
1 Rockefeller Plaza #2210
New York, NY 10020

Office: 212-757-5430
Fax: 212.757.5477